AIR CARE O2 Eliminates up to 99.999% bacteria, viruses and mold.
Tadiran Technologies introduces AIR CARE O2, a unique air purification technology that proactively treats every cubic inch of air-conditioned space.

ProtectAir sanitizer acts as a bactericide, virucide and deodorant.
When exposed to microorganisms, ProtectAir will rapidly oxidize and destroy them.
The slow-release technology allows the safe and uniform dissipation of the active chlorine dioxide (ClO2) ingredient to prevent the transmission of viruses, in the air.

Space Purifying System to stop the chain of infec’on.
Our sanita’on spraying system was designed to promote hygieniza’on by disinfec’ng spaces,
people and the air via integrated spray system that targets defined areas

Aura Air
The World’s Smartest Air
Management Platform